We are British Motorcycle enthusiasts, dedicated to conservancy and promotion of British Motorcycles.

The British Iron Association of Connecticut is established with the idea of providing British motorcycle enthusiasts a forum to exchange information on all aspects of British motorcycling. Our goal is to improve access to British motorcycles, their parts and their accessories. We share tune-up, repair, technical and a lot of other British motorcycle and motorcycling related information. Our meetings provide the setting for organizing the activities and event planning, involving British motorcycles, throughout the year.
We strive to create a positive atmosphere for social exchange involving all aspects of British Motorcycling.



Article I - NAME

This Organization shall be known as the British Iron Association of Connecticut Limited.

Article II - Purpose

The object of this organization is “To promote and preserve the British motorcycle”

Article III - Membership

The membership of this organization shall consist of any person interested in British motorcycling, who is able to pay annual membership dues and is willing to abide by the rules and by-laws set forth by this organization.

Article IV - Officers

The officers of this organization shall consist of; a Chairman, a Vice-Chairmen, a Chancellor (secretary/ treasurer), a Travel Minister and a Technical Advisor.

Article V - Amendments

Amendments to this constitution may be made by written petition, after which the petition will be read at the next annual meeting and placed on the docket for discussion at the next two (2) consecutive meetings and voted on at the third meeting. A two-thirds vote by the members present is required for passage. The proposed amendment must also be published in the club newsletters corresponding with the dates of discussion.



Article I - Purpose

The British Iron Association was initiated with the intention of providing British Motorcycle enthusiasts with a forum for the exchange of information on all faces of British Motorcycling. We attempt to improve access to British motorcycle parts and accessories, tune-up, repair and other technical information, to organize and participate in activities for the appropriate use of British motorcycles, and to provide a pleasant atmosphere for social exchanges covering all aspects of British Motorcycling.

Article II - Membership

The requirements for membership in this organization are to have an interest in British Motorcycles and the events that affect British Motorcycling. In order to be considered a member in good standing, annual dues must be paid and the member must agree to comply with the rules and by-laws set forth by this organization at all functions where this organization has an official presence, and to agree not to disgrace or shame this organization in any way, for in so doing all member benefits shall cease.

Section A. Member cards will be issued containing member’s name, membership number, and period of membership. Cards will be renewed as each member renews their membership.

Section B. Life memberships are awarded to those members the governing board feels have earned to distinction for their commitment to the sport and in helping the organization prosper.
Life members are not required to pay annual dues.

Article III - Dues

The Dues for this organization shall be due and payable to the Chancellor by August 31 each year, and shall be effective for a one year period. New members' dues shall be prorated on a monthly basis for the first year of membership

Section A.
The amount of dues may be changed as the governing board sees fit due to financial considerations.

Article IV - Duties of Officers

1. Chairman - It is the duty of the Chairman to preside at all official meetings and functions; to oversee the officers, and all business transacted in the name of this organization.

2. Vice-Chairman - the Vice-Chairman shall assume the duties of the Chairman in the event of the Chairman is not able to perform his duties, and also to oversee committees and events as deemed necessary by the governing board.

3. Chancellor - It is the duty of the Chancellor to oversee the procurement and disbursement of funds, keep and report the financial and written records and correspondence of this organization.

4. Travel Minister - It is the duty of the Travel Minister to oversee events held by and for this organization, and to act as liaison between this and other organizations sponsoring events of interest to this organization.

5. Technical Advisor - It is the duty of the Technical Advisor to procure and disburse technical information of interest to the members of this organization.

6. It shall be the duty of all officers to attend each meeting of this organization. In care of inability of any officer to attend a meeting, due notice shall be given to the Chairman and arrangements made to have all necessary books and papers in the possession of such officer at a meeting. If an elected officer, without reasonable excuse approved by the Chairman, is absent for three (3) consecutive regular business meetings, will be considered derelict in their duties and the office considered vacant and open for nomination.

7. A quorum shall consist of three (3) members of the governing board for the purpose of conducting business.

8. The officers listed above are to be known as the governing board in this and all other documents.

Article V - Terms of Office

The terms for officers shall be two (2) years and shall be the same as fiscal year. There shall be no limit to the number if terms one person can serve as an officer in this organization.

Article VI - Election of Officers

To be considered a candidate for office the nominee must have been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year. The nominations will be held at the September and October general meetings and will close at the end of the October meeting.
These nominations will be published in the October newsletter and the voting will take place during the November general meeting by majority vote of members present. In case of vacancy of an office during the term, the Chairman will announce such fact at a general meeting and have it published in the newsletter so that at the next meeting that office can be filled by special election.

Article VII - Meetings

1. The General meetings shall take place on the first Friday of the month; exception being if the first Friday is a national holiday, when it will be held the following Friday. The meetings are to begin at 8:00 p.m. at the place designated by the Chairman.

2. The following is to be the order of business at the general meetings: Call to Order, Members Sign-in, Chancellor's Report, Travel Minister's Report, Chairman's Comment, Technical Advisor's report, Old Business, New Business, Other Business, and Close of Meeting.

Officers Meeting will take place as the call of the Chairman, at the time and place designated by the Chairman.

Article VIII - Committees

Committees shall be formed as necessary to carry out different functions as set forth by this organization. The members of the committee will choose a chairman who will report on the committee’s progress to the governing board.

Section A. A newsletter committee shall be established to receive, edit, publish and distribute an official British Iron Association of Connecticut newsletter on a monthly basis.

Article IX - Funds

1. All monies obtained from any source, in the name of this organization, or under its direction or authority, shall be considered club funds and shall be forthwith delivered to the Chancellor, who shall record the amount and source of said monies in a log for this purpose.

2. The Chancellor shall deposit all monies in a bank to the credit of this organization. Disbursements from this fund shall be made only by check authorized by any two of the following officers: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Chancellor, or Travel Minister. It is the responsibility of the Chancellor to obtain the necessary approvals, and report on the expenditures at the next general meeting.

No monies shall be paid or transferred from the Treasury, except such monies as this organization is called upon to regularly pay for its current expenses or for purposes approved by the governing board. All capital expenditures in excess of $250.00 shall be approved by a two thirds vote of the members present and voting at a regular meeting.

A relief fund may be established with the governing board serving as the relief fund committee. They shall investigate the case of any member who is reported to be in distress or in need of relief, and if in their judgment, the case is one deserving of assistance, they shall have the power to draw on this fund such reasonable sum of money to a:ff ord assistance, provided that in no one case shall more than $25.00 be paid out without reference to and approval by the membership.

The fiscal year for all business of this organization shall be the same as the calendar year, January 1 to December 31. Any member in good standing may at any time have access to the books and records of this organization upon request.

Article X - Club Insignia

The club insignia is a crossed piston and wrench with banner, on a red, white and blue background in the general outline of the state of Connecticut. This insignia shall not be reproduced by anyone, in any manner, shape or form, without the express written consent of the governing board.

Article XI - Dissolution

This organization shall not be dissolved except by a resolution of three-quarters of the members present at an Extraordinary General Meeting called only for that purpose. In the event of dissolution, any remaining funds shall be disposed of as decided by the members present at this meeting.

Article XII - Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a general meeting held subsequent to a general meeting at which a resolution in writing providing for such amendment shall have been read and notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given to the members in a newsletter at least five ( 5) days prior to the second meeting.
